DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Duties and responsibilities have been divided into three main categories. This list is not exhaustive or mutually exclusive, and merely serves as a guide. Individual duties and responsibilities may vary by intern. Conduct Board Panelist (CB) - Conduct yourself with professionalism and empathy before, during, and after CB panels
- Conduct yourself in accordance with the Duke Community Standard in Practice
- Participate in all training and other development opportunities
- Respond in a timely manner to request for CB hearings
- Communicate immediately if you have a conflict of interest involving the CB panel
- Do not use data to which you have access to look up a student prior to a hearing
- Attend all hearings and meetings for which you are scheduled
- Serve as an impartial member of the hearing panel
- Prepare for hearings in advance by reading packets thoroughly, marking notes and having pre and live
- questions
- Uphold confidentiality of all CB panels
- Make sanctioning decisions that are appropriate for the violation
- Decide findings on a preponderance of information
- Facilitate and lead Student Conduct Board hearings
- Write a reflection page following your main takeaways from each CB panel
- Facilitate information sessions for CB recruitment
- Conduct outreach and advertising, interview campaigns for CB/CSA/Intern recruitment
Community Standard Advisor (CSA) - CSA’s assist students who face allegations of university policy violations
- Offer information about the undergraduate disciplinary process, from initial inquiry to conclusion
- Give feedback and advice to students as they prepare written responses to investigations
- Inform students about possible resolutions if they are found responsible
- Provide feedback to students in preparation for a CB hearing · Review students written appeals prior to submission
- Take an active role in helping students take responsibility for their actions, process their behaviors, and learn from their actions
Project Management/Recruitment - Collaboratively write a mission/vision for the cohort
- Identify areas in the community where the cohort can positively affect change
- Engage with community members to talk about how to affect change both on campus and in Durham, recruitment for upcoming OSCCS interns/CB/CSAs for 2024-2025 academic year
- Collaboratively develop projects that further the work of the OSCCS as a cohort